DOP Hannes Böck, Alexander Zöller und Fabian Schmidt unternahmen einen weiteren Probedreh, diesmal bei einem der ehemaligen Filmbunker des Reichsfilmarchivs am Glockenturm auf dem Olympiagelände in Berlin. Hier und in einem weiteren, nicht mehr existierenden Gebäude in der Nähe, lagerten bis Kriegsende die Negative und Lavendelkopien der von den Propagandakompanien gedrehten Materialien. Das Lager wurde angeblich im Frühjahr 1945 bei einem Bombenangriff durch Feuer zerstört. Budd Schulberg berichtet über den Besuch der Filmbunker im Sommer ’45:
DOP Hannes Böck, Alexander Zöller and Fabian Schmidt undertook another test shoot, this time at one of the former film bunkers of the Reichsfilmarchiv at the Glockenturm on the Olympic grounds in Berlin. Here and in another, no longer existing building nearby, the negatives and lavender copies of the material shot by the propaganda companies were stored until the end of the war. The film bunker was reportedly destroyed by fire in a bombing raid in the spring of 1945. Budd Schulberg reports on a visit to the film bunkers in the summer of ’45:
„Upon discovering that the Ruedersdorf archive had been destroyed, Rode declared that another possible hiding place was in one of the towers of the Olympic Stadium on the outskirts of Berlin. Lt. Colonel Downs and Lt. Comd’r Munroe took Rode there, guided by a former Navy- combat cameraman, Horst Grund. Again Rode’s information was found to be correct, for the remains of a film archive were found in the Glockenspiel where equestrian events are held, as well as in a vault on the ground floor of the stadium proper, but both sites had been completely destroyed.““

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