Filme und das RSHA

Als Reaktion auf unseren Essay bei Apparatus Journal machte uns Ulrike Koppermann freundlicherweise auf eine Passage in „Photographing the Holocaust“ von Janina Struk (2004, S. 105) aufmerksam, die unsere Theorie vom Atrocity Film stützt:

„Photographing suicides and executions was not a rare occurrence. Brasse recalled how Walter enthusiastically showed a number of films he had personally made with his 16mm Agfa Monik film camera to the Erkennungsdienst workers. It showed ’scenes of the liquidation‘ of Soviet POWs. In one of the films, according to Brasse, there were several thousand Soviet prisoners in the execution yard at block n, clothed and later naked, probably before their execution. Another film included scenes of thousands of Soviet prisoners being murdered with axes. In a testimony given to Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in 1984, Brasse recalled the horrifying film. ‚Despite that a few decades have passed since this,‘ he said, ‚I have never forgotten, and probably will not forget the scenes in this film.‘ Walter, according to Brasse, sent the original to the RSHA in Berlin and later received a copy-print in return.“


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